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Revealing Shia History

Exploring Shia History

Shia is said to have been present in the archipelago for a long time. Traces of history and its influence can be used to reduce Sunni-Shia conflicts.

The community's ignorance of history and Shia teachings is considered to have played a role in igniting the embers of the Sunni-Shia conflict in Indonesia until now. Because of this, this nation is easily unstable in responding to the differences between the two major streams of Islam. This was stated by Husain Heriyanto, a teaching staff at the University of Indonesia, in the "International Conference on Historical and Cultural Presence of Shias in Southeast Asia" at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

Ignorance does not only affect ordinary people, but also religious leaders. When culturalist Agus Sunyoto was attending an Islamic boarding school, his teacher advised him to stay away from Shia teachings. “According to him, Shia is anti-mawlid, anti-wiridan, and anti-pilgrimage. Even though they are Wahhabism,” said Agus, author of the book Atlas Wali Songo. "The existence and influence of Shia has taken root in several parts of the archipelago since 1400 years ago."

In Central Maluku, this influence is manifested in the form of the Ma'atenu dance. This dance was introduced by the Hatuhaha people. "They are the oldest Muslim community in Maluku which was formed since the eighth century. Their leader has a lineage from Ali bin Abi Talib. Therefore, this dance is intended as a form of praise for the Prophet Muhammad, Ali, and his descendants."

The As Pelor gang

Ripping the body with a sharp object characterizes this dance. Exactly with the dance in the Shia tradition to commemorate the event of Karbala. Until now this dance is still sustainable. "Shia teachings have integrated with the ancestral culture of Moluccas Islam," said Yance Zadrak Rumahuru, teacher at the Ambon State Protestant Christian College (STAKPN). "Unfortunately, this contribution is often overlooked."

Shia influence is also found in Sumatra. Mohammad Ali Rabbani, attache to the Iranian Embassy, stated that traces of heritage from Indians in Sumatra are strong with Shiite influence, for example, tabuk and tombs dating from the 17th century.

“This is because the Indians who came to Sumatra were influenced by the Persians. Those people adhere to the Shiite sect," Rabbani said. On the other hand, the Persians and Indians also adopted the traditions of the Sumatran people. “This interaction benefits Muslims. One nation benefits from another nation.

Shia Begins from Veranda of Makkah

In Aceh the situation is somewhat different. The people there were first familiar with Persian traditions. "Before Shia became an official sect in Persia, the Acehnese had come into contact with Persian culture," said Kamaruzzaman Bustaman Ahmad, a lecturer at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ar-Raniry, Aceh.

Because of this, it is difficult to dissect the traditions of Shia, Persia and Aceh. “All of this has been blended in the dayah (Islamic boarding school). The results are poured outside the dayah," said Kamaruzzaman. Even so, Shia-Sunni bloody conflict never occurred in Aceh in the 17th century. This was because extreme groups within Sunni or Shia dominated Aceh at that time. According to Azyumardi Azra, a professor at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta, the long history of Shia history in the archipelago can be used to reduce Sunni-Shia conflict. “It is clear that Sunni-Shia can no longer be seen in black and white. The two influence each other.”*

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